- Joined Financial Managers Association
- Bloomberg Terminal Certifications (BMC, BFF)
- Started career website (this one) and others for myself
- Gaming site restart, partner and I decide to start from scratch having learned a lot business wise and psychologically
- Got into Finance Major at UCF (from pre-finance)
- Worked at Beauty Store, implementing POS
- Graduated High School top of my class (10/783)
- Took 16 classes simultaneously, 6 APs on top of classes at Valencia, UCF, and UF
- Started long term investment project
- Started carpooling app and gaming site
- Started working on app project (later frozen)
- Started working with two people on Interspoke (speaker connection), gold transmutation, and automated investing project.
- Graduated Community College with 4.0/4.0 GPA
- Got highest score in AP Micro/Macro, Psychology, and Calculus BC
- Got Salesforce Administrator certified
- Spent free time doing Salesforce (went to networking events)